Today, my laptop is charged so I have had time to blog, only a little, update my ipod with Christmas music and email. My computer only has about a half hour left of juice and I am panicking a bit. I haven't been able to blog all that I hoped to and I have a lot to update! It is killing me! Today, Jachen is calling the place we dropped my laptop charger to, to find out the status, since it should have been done by now. I am hoping it is ready soon! Sheesh!
A little update...
We had a nice and quiet Thanksgiving and then the day after I wasted no time and turned on some Christmas music. Justin Bieber to be exact...which basically is Pop Christmas, but still fun. Friday evening we were invited for dinner at Jachen's dad and brothers apt. His dad is always telling jokes...I can hardly tell which is something serious or a joke because he always says both in the same tone. He has always been very great to us and very giving. We were able to borrow moving boxes from him and movies. We never leave his presence without taking something of his home to have or borrow.
Saturday was my birthday, that I will save for another post. I took some pictures of the occasion. But, I will let you know that in the evening we began setting up for Christmas. The Christmas tree came out of the box and lights were strung. I sure love when a Christmas tree is lit and only those lights are on in the house. Such a great mood it puts me in.
Sunday, we finished setting up all our Christmas decorations. We decorated the tree and the room with what we have. Again, that will be for another post. I realized after setting it all up that I don't have one single Santa...I need to change that.
Remember how I told you below about an apartment we were pretty for sure getting?? Welllll, I tell ya, we most likely won't be getting it. ARGH. The manager said he only rents to SINGLE people. Dumb. We heard this from the girl who is moving out. She gave Jachen his contact information and Friday-Monday we tried calling me. His phone never went to him, dumb. So Jachen wrote him a note on Monday and dropped it off in his mailbox. We just explained we wanted to be able to talk to him directly and hadn't had luck reaching him by phone. Also, that we are confused how us being married is any different than someone who has a boyfriend/girlfriend living with them...since a lot of people here do that. We asked him to call us so we could for sure hear a no or yes. It's Wednesday now and we haven't heard from him. HOWEVER, in the mean time Jachen went to another apartment appointment. We liked that place however it is more money...2 bedrooms though. It is nice, an odd layout, but really this place is so for sure the best that is out there right now. That we can find. However, this place is empty now and the lady renting out is taking into consideration who can move in the soonest...and we still have to pay rent for December and January here. So we are nervous someone else might get it if they can move in before us. It has been a rather hard search, who knew?! There seriously is slim pickings. It has sure been frustrating, but we just hope right now that we either hear back from that man or some how are lucky and get this new place. If not, we have to KEEP looking. So stressful. We are just ready to finalize a place, start packing and start this new life here.
Coming soon...
I have some movie, book, and Christmas and non Christmas music recommendations. Also, some DIY Christmas decorations ideas/tutorials as well as the start of my Christmas posts. I am sure looking forward to having my cord back. Blogging is such part of my daily routine and now I feel so behind. ALSO, I am soooooo behind on reading/commenting on/looking at other's blogs. Once I get my cord, I will have lots and lots of catching up to do.
Hey, tomorrow is December! That is a pretty amazing thing. It is all sunshine here lately{or major, major fog} and I am still itching for some snow. Maybe just enough snow to line the trees and yards while skipping the roads. At night, the villages have Christmas lights that line streets and almost every village has a Christmas market. Coolest thing. We are going to one again this coming weekend and I will load my camera with pictures. You will want to see. Talk with you soon!
cant wait for all the future posts!!
Ooo can't wait for the book and music recommendations! Winter is such a cozy time for staying in and snuggling up to a good book or sweet melody.
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