The key to wearing sneakers or athletic shoes with a nicer outfit, is finding a pair that is stylish and has a pop of personality. I LOVE wearing my new shoes...the bottom left pair. My feet have never been so happy with me. Even just wearing them to the grocery store is much much better than wearing bad for my feet flats.
I hope you have learned by now that you can be comfy and stylish at the same time. There are many ways fashion today lends itself to comfort while maintaining style. You shouldn't have to wear sweats, athletic pants or sweatshirts out of the house in order to feel fact you really shouldn't at all wear sweats and sweatshirts together. Ever. That's my philosophy anyway.
I have learned for myself that wearing flats is not the best for me...mainly for longer distance walking, but even for those short distances my feet are much happier. Something with support is key. Don't be afraid of sneakers, tennis shoes or athletic shoes!
And bytheway those are two of my favorite Revlon lipstick colors.
Looks 1&2 Tiger Blouse|Jeans|New Balance|Ring|Ring|Berry Haute Revlon
Leopard Holdall|Red Blouse|Hightop Sneakers
Looks 3&4 Geometric Blouse|Jeans|Nike Running Shoes|Ring|Studded Bag
Pink Pout Revlon|Floral Blouse|Nike Blazer
I'm glad those shoes have worked so well for you!
I've always had a secret crush on well designed athletic shoes. They come in so many great colors! But I've never known how to wear them without looking like I was going to the gym. Especially with skinnies. I think I'm just not used to the silhouette, but I want to try it more.
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