My hair is constantly changing. Is your hair like that? Or have you pretty much had the same hair all your life? I was born with lots of dark dark hair. Then it turned blond when I was really young. Then went to a brown as a kid and was straight. Still thick of course, but straight. Then in middle school my hair started going curly...and I really didn't know what to do about that. High school my hair started to get darker and I discovered the flat iron. Back then it took me like 4hours to straighten my hair from beginning to end so I rarely straightened it. I hardly did much with my hair in high school, I really didn't like wearing it down. Once, I think my senior year I cut my hair pretty short, the shortest I have had it. In high school, I put some red streaks in, but you really couldn't see them. Then after high school/starting of college my hair started going really curly and that is when I began to wear it down. I discovered using the diffuser in college. I had realllly good hair in my five years of college life. Lots of different haircuts and that is when I dyed my hair red for the first time. I think part of it was I actually DID my hair and started learning how to manage the mop on my head. Pretty much as soon as I graduated my hair grew less curly, still curly but less. And this last year my hair is pretty blah. Not to mention I am pretty sure it falls out more than ever. I have always been super cautious about who cuts my hair, because in my head I think that hair dresses have never cut hair like mine therefore they don't know what they are doing. It took me until my second year of college to let someone in that small town cut my hair. Needless to say, I am not getting a hair cut in Switzy. I refuse. I don't think I have ever seen a Swiss person with curly hair. Also, it would just be too expensive for a risk of someone here cutting it. I hardly ever do my hair these days...partly because I hardly go anywhere and also because they don't sell Curls Rock here and I am using mine sparingly. Though my hair has changed in length, shape, texture, color and my bangs change lenghts one thing that has remained the same is that I don't have split ends, I don't think ever. And if I do its at the back of my head where I can't see them. I think this is due to rarely putting heat on it, I don't put permeant dyes in and I shower sparingly. My hair is pretty dang healthy.
But, when I DO, do my hair this is my process and products...however most of this process is pretty much for curly hair. I hope all or some of this is helpful.
A. Ever since I started buying my own shampoo and conditioner I have been using Herbal Essences, well this one. Then they changed their product. So that is why I still use the pink bottle even though I really don't need color treatment. It doesn't smell AS good as the original, but still good. Actually, I think I have seen the original in various stores, but I keep with the above regardless. There may be better brands out there for shampoo and conditioners, but Herbal Essences hasn't done me wrong.
B. ALSO I sometimes use the blue bottles. Oh man this smells gooood also I swear my hair is softer after using the blue bottles. I am currently using the blue bottles because my pink bottles ran out. I have also used the orange Herbal Essences too once or twice. But just in general I like Herbal Essences. I have used over the years some Suave, Kirkland brand, Redken, Head and Shoulders, Fructis and maybe a few others if borrowing. But, Herbal Essences is still my favorite.
C. I LOVE this product. Poor me I can't buy it here and I am all out. However, I did find ONE product here that is for the same thing, but it cost 19francs for a really small bottle, so clearly I use that sparingly. This product I use after my shower. After I have let the major wetness out of my hair I spray this in my hair while still wet before I brush it. It is a leave in conditioner so it helps with my tangles when I brush or run my fingers through. So I have been using less conditioner or no conditioner in the shower since I started buying this. Also, it smells AMAZING and I am pretty sure my hair is smoother after using it too.
D. THE best product to shape curls. In college I used a lot of gel and mousse in my hair, but that just made my hair crispy or wet looking. I like my curls to look dry and natural, but still have a good hold. Curls Rock does that. This product is a bit pricey, $13 I think, BUT so worth it and you only need a dab for each use. Put a little dab in when your hair is damp and run it in your hair and then after I do my curly my hair technique which I will tell you about in a second.
E. I love this product, but I don't need it very often. I have had my bottle since the first time I bought it several years ago because you only need a dab too. Like less then penny size. I usually use this frizz serum like the day{s} after I do my hair when my hair is a little bit frizzy from sleeping on it. It helps get rid of that. Just gently work a little bit of it throughout the frizzy parts. Another bonus is after you wash your hands from using the serum your hands are super soft.
F. When I do use hairspray I prefer this one. My mom uses it and once I needed some hairspray I used hers then fell in love. I don't like a very strong spray because I don't want it showing shiny nor being sticky. I like a hairspray that is light, but still does the trick. Sometimes I will use a little for all my hair and sometimes just a little for my bangs. When I say a little, I mean like once around my head of hair fast.
So, what is the curly hair trick?'s too hard to explain with words, but if you realllly want let me know and I will either take pics or a video. But this technique will not only define amazing curls, but it eliminates frizz.
Another hair tip, DONT straighten your bags with a hot iron and if you must...barely, I am talking barely do it. Especially if your bangs are thing bangs.What you really should be doing is taking a round brush and blow drying them straight. Your bangs will look much fuller and well, how they should if you don't use a hot iron.
After I do my hair...see less scary, less frizzy, curls are defined and less swallowing of my head.
Please ignore my "glamour shot" faces.
When I straighten my hair, it deceives others and myself in thinking that my hair is thin. See?
Above, like it says, it is pointing to THE best haircut I have ever had, back in 2008, but I have never been able to get another one like it. The haircutting genius that cut my hair that day gave me amazing layers and thinned it like crazy. Also as you can see perfect bangs as well. I would have my hair like this everyday if I could.I hope some of these products help you maintain smooth, yummy smelling, tame curls and frizz free hair without hurting your wallet. And Stephanie, you WILL be bringing me some of that Aussie leave in conditioner and Curls Rock when you come. If you have questions on one of these products ask away or if you have tried them, let me know what you think. Do you have any tips for me? I love knowing products that work. And no, I was not paid to tell you this, as if, I just like tips and so I am sure you do too.

I knooooow that you hair is super thick I straighten it a couple of times.
You did! And it felt so nice to have someone straighten my hair for me.
You just need to have kids...then your hair will get thinner like mine did. Where can you buy that antifrizz serum? Now if only I knew what to do with thick wavy hair, that is not straight & surely not curly....aaaah, it is the worst hair ever!
that really was a good trick, that hair cut that that lady gave you. just TRY to get your hair cut down there. or just go at it yourself? i think you could.
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