Where did this girl come from! She is seriously some powerhouse...amazing singer, sweet style, grooves artsy/funky and unique. For some reason she reminds me of Christina Aguilera {who I don't like}, but Kimbra is the cool hip version of her....kinda like her opposite cousin. Ha, that doesn't make sense. I just love her dancing/moves that she has in these videos. I want her hair in the first video and eye make-up in the third video. What do you think?
A great live song, here.
Doll lovers everywhere are gasping! her nasal singing is a little Barbara Streisand-esque (1st video. Love the dancing of the 2nd video, cute. I love her hair in the 3rd video best. If i ever had bangs i would totally do that hair.
Like her crazy big hair? ha, Jk I know you mean her straight normalish hair. yes that is cute too.
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