09 January 2014


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This past Friday night I went to dinner with two friends and after dinner we walked around Bell Square{Bellevue's mall}. Being that it was girls night, we stopped at Sephora for some free perfume samples. My friend Krystal pointed my attention to the Coach Poppy and Coach Poppy Blossom...I know confusing, we were confused. I came home with a sample of each. AND. I LOVE THEM.

Poppy is my favorite of the two, it reminds me of Ralph by Ralph Lauren, which I love so much. Poppy is a fresh mix between fruity and floral with some nice undertones. Poppy Blossom, which I am wearing now, has more of a spice to it. Those descriptions may have not been helpful, but I highly recommend you check them out and asking for samples next time you are at Sephora...or find yourself at the mall. I try not to leave the mall without a perfume sample.


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