08 April 2013

< Room Design//Dining Room >

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I try and make each room I "design" a room that I would want and live in. I try and use pieces of furniture and home decor that I have had on my radar and things I would want. I also hope to give you ideas and an awareness of what is out there right now to purchase for your home. Bust mostly...I LOVE putting these rooms together and it's mostly for my enjoyment! ha.

I LOVE this white shelving from Ikea--can work in all rooms of the house, but I like it especially in the dining room. Great to stack serving pieces as well as cookbooks or any other books. You can keep your table clothes and napkins in the drawers and maybe if you have some fancy silverware--in there as well. I am also in love with this round table from Ikea...this is the table I would love to have in our future apt in the States.

This particular rug, if you haven't seen it in person...is big and rough. Not an ideal rug for a living room--I like soft rugs. But I think it would be great for either a kitchen or a dining room. Would be easy to vacuum or sweep crumbs off.

The Stokke Tripp Trapp highchair is the one I want in my home. I love that it works for babies then transitions to toddler and kid age. Bonus! Also, it looks gooood.

I love the idea of using an area of the kitchen for a chalkboard wall or board. My thinking of using here in this room is that, that is the wall that is connecting to the kitchen--I love the idea of keeping a grocery list on that wall. And a place for the little kiddos to draw while you are baking or cooking.

One last thing I wanted to mention was the idea of using photographs of food you have in your own personal collection to enlarge and frame in your dining room. I like that personal touch. Take your images to Kinkos or Staples and print those right up!


Stay tuned for the next room!

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