31 March 2013

< Frohe Ostern >

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This Easter morning on our way to church we listened to The First Great Commandment by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. A beautiful talk about our love and devotion to Jesus Christ. A huge part of my life and who I am is centered around the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father knew we would need a Savior to atone for our sins so that we could be resurrected. I know He sent Jesus Christ to the world to do just that. His life and ministry not only taught us great lessons to live by, but also prepared the way for us to return to live with our Father in Heaven. It is so important for me to live worthy of His Atonement. I try to live the best I can in His footsteps, but because I am human I make mistakes and need a way to repent of those mistakes. I know my Savior was resurrected and that His ministry did not end on the cross. His teachings were meant to live on today and put into practice. It is beautiful to see these videos depicting the Bible stories of His final days before He would be sent to die on the cross. I am grateful to have been able reflect and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ this day. I am also grateful to have a husband who believes and knows these things to be true as well. I hope we can all remember the reason we celebrate Easter. 

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