01 February 2013

< January Recap//Life >

The two best things about this January-- 1. we were home in Seattle the first week of January and 2. that January is over. The two worst things about January-- 1. Jachen was sick with the flu on New Year's Day and missed the Kayaking trip and 2. I have had a miserable cold the last couple days of January. {I write this in between blowing snot out of my brains}

Typically I find that January is a rather humbug month...but this January wasn't too bad. It came and went and I was pretty happy during it and now pretty happy we are one month closer to our departure date.

This month we--had a great last week at home for the holidays, put away our Christmas decorations, played much LittleBigPlanet Karting, I suffered with some jet leg due to my not doing the system right, learned once again that I get major car sickness, our petition to move Jachen to the States was accepted, more paperwork for the process has been started, I have been very happy/more than usual, Jachen has had a tough month at work/poor guy, our car broke down and we now have a new one/Jachen's dad had an extra car that he is letting us use til we move from Switzerland, I made goals for the new year, Jachen got lenses put into his new frames, both of us enjoy wearing all the fun new clothes we bought in the States, finished reading Mindy Kaling's book, wrote in my new journal everyday, we have made some fun plans and trips for the future months we are here, and I ended the month with a nasty cold/I have not had a cold for years so I was rudely reminded how miserable they are. And I must add that I love Jachen more than ever...it's pretty amazing how that works, that love can continue to grow.

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