28 June 2012

|| Albums Of Summer//Part Two ||

Band//Album//Songs to look for
Now, Now//Threads//Dead Oaks, Separate Rooms, Wolf
Niki & The Dove//Instinct//Tomorrow, In Our Eyes, The Fox, The Gentle Roar
Beach House//Bloom//Myth, Wild, Lazuli, On The Sea
Oh Land//Fauna//Numb, Still Here, I Found You, Deep-Sea
Walk The Moon//Walk the Moon//Anna Sun, Tightrope, Shiver Shiver, Fixin'
Civil Twilight//Holy Weather//River, Highway of Fallen Kings, Shape of a Sound
Animal Kingdom//The Looking Away//The Wave, Strange Attractor, White Sparks

All these albums are seriously great...from beginning to end. 
Listen to some of the songs above HERE on my 8tracks playlist.

I have acquired many albums lately and I wanted to share them with you. I am for sure a music hoarder, I can't get enough of good music. I am a bit picky about what music I listen to, but I also like a lot of styles and am open to anything....hence, I love One Direction. I think that is very important to be open and I think owning good music is very important as well. I truly believe music is a reflection of who you are and how you feel inside. I don't think you should pretend you like music just cause it's cool or someone tells you to like a certain band...you need to feel it and like the music yourself. So when I suggest music to you I hope you find out for yourself whether these albums or songs of the day are for you. My taste in music is broad like I said, but I sure don't just purchase any music. There is an art to finding music and I like to be your middle man...I find/have the goods and I share it with you...whim bam...you got yourself a great variety of quality music. Turn off that mainstream radio station and broaden your taste.

I am very impressed by the quality of albums I have acquired lately, there are some amazing musicians that keep popping into my radar. I was going to post all the albums in this post, but I thought that would be too much to handle all at once. Some bands/songs I have mentioned before and I am sure in the following months I will bring up a song or album again. There is an album for everyone, so stay tuned to find what you like and then if you are obsessed with music like moi or just need some new tunes, then you will make some or all of this music your own.

ps. part one of summer 2012 albums here and a summer mix you can download here.

1 comment:

brooke field said...

i will have to show this list to my husband. he is the music guru in our house.