30 December 2011

|| What A Year ||

Bits of my 2011
Lots of being with family, preparing for my wedding, getting married, moving to Switzerland, lots of babies being born and on their way{by others}, challenges, new experiences, missing family/friends, fun times with Jachen, figuring out how to be married, trip to London, lots of trips to Germany, ankle malfunction, blogging, holidays, apartment searching, yummy cheese/bread/chocolate/etc, fire building and freezing in our house, reading, packing for the move and lots of Skyping.
Stay tuned for 2012!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Oh, what a year. At family dinner on new years eve we were listing all the things that have happened this year, and there were lots. We should have wrote them down, shoot. I love the photo of the clouds outside the plane...it looks like an old painting.