This cute blog posted this and I had to share too. Miss Watson sure is a lovely character and like I have said before, that short hair is a dream. I think it is important that we always stay true to ourselves, who we are and what we stand for. No matter what. Even if it doesn't make sense to others. You set your limits and then be brave enough to follow through with them. I am currently watching this seasons America's Next Top Model which is an All-Star season...they brought back their most talked about contestants. One contestant is from the very first season and she was known for not photographing nude or in underwear or matter what. Those in charge of the modeling shoots would try and put her in lingerie and she would remind them she doesn't shoot in that and so they put her in a piece that was basically a swimsuit bottom, which technically was skimpier than the lingerie piece. Which to some could be contradictory or confusing, BUT her point was and her rule to herself was that she wouldn't shoot in something that was private...a swimsuit she wears on the beach. To her it was different and really that is all that mattered. She stayed true to her own limits she set for herself and that is the point. Luckily, they let her wear what is comfortable and appropriate to her. I thought that was a great example, even if shooting in a swimsuit bottom could be more revealing she didn't let those on the show persuade her to do something she didn't believe in.

i'm so glad you re-posted this :)
oh...and i CAN'T believe that i've been missing this season's ANTM! i remember loving that girl from season 1...i'll have to get on that!
oh man, she's a doll.
I. Love. Emma.
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