|| Picasa ||

Okay, I have been spending ALLLL day on a very tedious project. I had to start a new blog{this one} because my blogger/picasa ran out of photo space on my first blog. If you don't know what that means let me tell you. When you upload a photo to your blog it saves it in your Google picasa. Your picasa I guess has a limit and I reached that. My only option was to start a new blog{this one} and so I had to sign up for a new gmail address too so my picasa was linked to a new photo album. A fresh start. So I know this. So today I went to see if I could clean up and delete photos out of this new album to keep the number down. AND I found out that ANY upload is saved...meaning if you upload a photo and then realize its the wrong one or something and delete it it still saves it. So it still brings up the count. I had a ton of duplicates and photos I never ended up posting. I have been spending the day figuring out which are the doubles and ones I didn't use. Also, when I have a post of series of photos nowadays I combine them to save room...so today I have been going back to old posts when I didn't combine them and now combining them. I have been able to delete over 500 pictures off of my picasa! This may sound silly, BUT I wont let google picasa win!
The above picture is a screen shot of the picture lineup. So go in and see what yours looks like. It may be a scary sight...it was for me. Now more then ever I will be more cautious of my uploading. This may be all jibber jabber to you, but this jibber jabber sure has been taking me a long time!
I didn't know about this picasa thing, but I also host my images in photobucket, so a lot of the images that are in my blog are hosted somewhere else. You may want to try it, is free. You only have to put the html code in your post and voila you got pictures.
you would. but okay good job for figuring that out.
medlycat! (haha)
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