01 April 2011

april fools

Liechtenstein above, Austria below

my man is too smart.
at the beginning of the week i had plans to pull an april fools joke/prank on jachen. last years was a success so i wanted to repeat the tradition. so i had the plan to tell him i lost my wedding ring(like he would even believe that, i keep HIGH tabs on this ring, but that is what i came up with) and my plan backfired...the next day jachen emailed me this...

Tomorrow I will not believe anything you say to me, whatever it may be cause I don’t want to be tricked again on a first of april, so if there is any emergency, tell me now or the day after tomorrow, ;)

it wouldn't have even mattered what i did or said(mostly i cant do a lot since he is in switzerland...unless i had planned a brilliant joke weeks ago) he would call the bluff. he is too good. he knows my trixie ways now. so tonight i decided, well i might as well try SOMETHING. jachen and i usually exchange emails back and forth my late nighttime his early morning at work. so a few hours ago i wrote to him saying i was too tired tonight and that i wanted to go to bed early tonight. i just received this email from him...

i just raced to work, hope you sleep well and remember for you its not aprils fools yet, love ya

what? really? he is calling my bluff?? covering his basis' so he can later say "see, you didn't fool me". first of all, it is his april fools already so it counts and in 25 minutes it is mine. so i will announce my "april fools!" then.  next year when we are together he will get what's coming to him.

last years april fools joke
last year on april fools, i was in switzerland and it was the day i was meeting up with my dad in Burgdorf to spend the weekend with him. i had the task of alerting my father of this boy jachen i was dating here/there in switzerland. i was also to ask my dad if it was okay for jachen to come with us on our day trip to Liechtenstein and Austria the following day. so jachen was aware i would be informing my dad of this swiss boyfriend i had. after awhile of being with my dad i texted jachen telling him that my dad was super mad about me having a swiss boyfriend and that he was not okay with him coming with us the next day. naturally, i left jachen with hours to worry about my dad not approving. and he did just that, worry or as he called it "letting him in despair". later that evening i called jachen and said my "april fools!" and he couldn't believe i tricked him. i relieved him with the news that my dad was thrilled and excited to meet him and when we would come pick him up the next morning. his first taste of my trixiness and apparently is ready for this years trick.

this just in...dont worry, he did fall for it. click images to see larger.

okay, a small little "prank" but i just love doing them.