11 March 2013

< Life Update >

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Let me tell you, trying to get your husband eligible to move to/live in the USA is the scariest thing. It is such an important process and the outcome is our life! Right now we are in a waiting stage. We have been accepted for the first round...and now just waiting on paperwork to get back to us and in the mean time filling out more paperwork. It's scary guys. Scary because they just give you an estimate when they will send you things and us being in Switzerland right now, I never know if something is lost in the mail or just hasn't come yet. Also scary because if paperwork isn't filled out right it will be sent back and we will have to do it over and therefore prolonging the process. Also, a lot of money is involved, but luckily we have been saving and have the money. Our future is in someone else's hands. Scary.

Back when we first decided it was time to move, back in Fall of 2011, we planned to be able to move Spring/April 2013...well that didn't work out. We were too slow and ended up waiting too long so start the paperwork. So then we thought, okay June. BUT because of this and that, our plan is now July. Ahh. I pray everyday that we can fly out of here July 2nd.

This is a big month for us because this is the '3 months before' we plan on leaving so everything has to be cancelled by the end of March. Jachen will be turning in his 3 month notice for work, our apt and bills/insurance need to be notified. AND so we better be able to leave when we want or that will be a whole new set of challenges.

At first I was a bit bummed that we were unable to make our first two departure goals work out, but I am actually happy now that we will be here through June. Summer here is great! So I look forward to being able to do somethings for the last time and see Summer before we go.

Somethings we are looking forward to...
>gelato--we had some over the weekend and are determined to fill our bellies before we depart
>going on walks--which we have recently been able to start back up again
>having picnics at the lake
>just being able to sit on grass in general
>taking books and ice cream bars down to the lake
>picnic lunch in Appenzell
>going on drives, seeing the beautiful summer countryside
>picking berries! that was so fun being able to do that last year, happy we can do that again
>maybe going on a hike
>swim in Lake Walensee?
>go to Luzern{my favorite} one last time?

Last week I booked a hotel in Como Italy for a last trip/anniversary trip...but the next day I was really feeling like we shouldn't go. We have the money to go, we saved money specifically for a trip, but I decided it would be best to save that money because we don't know what will come up in the next few months. It was sad, but we think it's for the best. Moving countries is a pricey adventure. {luckily last Summer I got to spend a few hours in Italy}

We are just so ready to be done here, but are also happy for the little more time we have to enjoy Summer Switzerland. {and more time to pack. :) because I dread that day}

top image--from our first trip to Lake Walensee 
bottom image--gelato in Colmar France...tempted to go back just for their gelato.

1 comment:

Allison said...

That's sad about Lake Como. That is my favorite place in the world. But I think it's smart to hold off until you know what your future looks like! So many exciting things coming up for you!