On New Year's Eve while driving with my dad and Jachen back from Seattle, talk radio was on in the background and the hosts were discussing new year resolutions. The woman host made a joke out of goals and says she never makes them because she knows she wont keep them. That made me sad for her, made me sad for the kind of person she is. How can someone not want to better themselves or at the very least attempt to better themselves? Thinking you will fail at giving up a bad habit or thinking you will fail at a goal only enforces yourself to fail. Duh.
I truly believe in setting goals to make myself and my life better. I also believe, amongst other reasons, that we are here on Earth for the short time that we are to better ourselves and make ourselves the best people we can. We aren't here to be complacent and remain unchangeable...what would be the point of that? I luckily learned this fact of life at a young age and have always tried to make new goals for myself. I haven't always been a New Year's resolutions type girl...some years I skipped that...but that doesn't mean I didn't set goals for myself throughout the year. However, now I have found for myself, it's best when I start the year out with new goals for myself and life. After making my goals for 2012, I printed, and with the help of some Washi tape, hung my goals on the wall of our bedroom all year...still there in fact. I think I did a pretty great job of accomplishing my goals for 2012. And I will do the same for my goals for 2013...
Goals--while still living in Switzerland
^stay as happy as I have been since Christmastime
^go on walks weekly...even if it's cold outside
^worry less about how much things cost here
^worry less about the amount we need to save to move to the USA
^read/or listen to the Ensign each month
^use the LDS website each Sunday
^get back to having FHE with Jachen
^start my mornings off right
^be a better listener
^go to Fasnacht in Basel {again}
^go to Interlaken
^go to a Swiss Army surplus store
^see as much of Switzerland as I can--go on drives
^to get the VISA paperwork all figured out and not put anything off
^hopefully being able to sell our car and furniture
Goals--once moved to Seattle--many from above still apply
^ideally Jachen would already have a job before arriving, but if not find him one
^find a way for myself to make income
^play with both my sisters' new babies
^start{finalllly} an Etsy business
^buy a Honda Element--ideally
^find an apt/move out of parents house
^have a house warming party
^once settled with life--go on a roadtrip--preferably California/Disneyland
^go camping in the summer
^hike to the ice caves with Jachen
^take Jachen to Winthrop
^towards the end of the year, be pregnant :)
It's weird{/amazing of course} to think that this year we will be moving back. Weird that I get to make certain goals for here and certain ones for there. However it has been hard to come up with substantial goals for living in Seattle because who knows what that will bring. It is pretty exciting and scary at the same time to have our future so up in the air. But it also feels exciting to know we can start brand new and if we are determined enough we can make our future however we want it. Here's to 2013 and all it brings!
ps can you believe it's already halfway through January? How did that happen?
Awesome goals! I've been wanting to go to Disneyland or Disney World SO BAD lately.
I read a blog post or an article or something recently about how successful people make lots of little goals throughout the day. When you finish a goal, you get an adrenaline rush, no matter how small the goal was, and it makes you want to keep up the momentum. I've started making little to do lists every day. A lot of the times they just include things like "Do the dishes" or "Clean Ezra's room", but they really have helped me be more productive overall and feel like I'm accomplishing things.
I loved reading about all your goals! I've been thinking a lot about what I want to work on this year, but I've yet to put them down on paper just yet. Thanks for the inspiring post Monica!
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