I had big plans to take lots of photos of our grocery shopping adventure, BUT I forgot until the very end. Sorry, next time. When we go grocery shopping I am pretty focused on the task. This was our first time going shopping on a Friday evening, we usually go on Saturday mornings...when EVERYONE is out shopping. Last time we went on a Saturday we had to wait several minuets for an available cart and that place has lots of carts. Turns out not many people go shopping on Fridays, so it was pretty relaxed and we didn't feel so on edge or rushed.
For those of you who don't know, we drive to Germany every two weeks to do our, what I call..."big shopping". That is where we get the bulk of our groceries and then we get produce, eggs, bread, milk and a few various other things here in Switzerland. It takes us about 40mins to drive to the first grocery store called Kaufland. Kaufland is like the Walmart of grocery stories...busy, inexpensive and ghetto. But, it's great. We shop in Germany for the variety of food and prices are better. There are certain things we get at Kaufland and then certain things we get at a grocery store called Edeka. Edeka has a little bit higher prices and is a much newer and nicer store. Two weeks ago when we were grocery shopping, I spotted an Edeka closer to Kaufland. {the Edeka we had been going to was near a mall and we had to park in the mall garage and walk to the Edeka. This new Edeka has it's own parking garage which is super nice and helpful} Tonight after Kaufland we went and checked out the new Edeka. LOVE IT. This one is much bigger, even newer and had lots of great products that the previous Edeka did not. As you can see above, they sell a Betty Crocker chocolate cake! YUM, but look at that price! Also, as you can see they sell canned rootbeer which I am so, so happy about. I even found a Campbell's tomato soup, but it was pricey. I will have to take more pictures next time we go. Tonight we spent time wandering around the store educating ourselves on the products they sell. We are pretty excited. AND the parking was/is free on Fridays, lucky. {kaufland parking is free too}
A funny note about Kaufland, they have a sign out before you go inside that requests that people not bag their groceries in the store, but we have always broken that "rule" and bagged {ps you bag your own food in Germany and Switzerland}. Bagging is just as fast as not bagging, either you are putting the food in the cart or into bags. Some shoppers I have spotted breaking "the rule" too and others just pile all the randomness back into their cart then into their trunks. We actually use a small crate and two bags when shopping and so we fill those. Just as fast! Hopefully that makes sense. Maybe I'll try to take video or pictures of that next time.
It's kinda a funny thing.
It's kinda a funny thing.
Ps. I don't support or drink alcohol, energy drinks or tea drinks{well I do promote herbal tea}, but I do support great packaging so that is what I was taking pictures of. Jachen picked up that Duff Beer and said, If I drank beer I would buy this. {if you don't know Duff Beer is the brand of alcohol Homer Simpson drinks} I love those tins of ice cream, pretty huh?
We love the new Edeka!

Those bottles that say lemon on the side are yummy looking, great shape. Ya I love me some good packaging also, I'm a sucker for it. I would LOVE to see more about your everyday stuff you do like shopping. I know you feel stupid taking pictures and such, but it is so fun to see how different everything is there. so keep it up.
YES, I need to be better and braver at taking photos. But mostly I just forget.
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