04 March 2011

breaks my heart

yesterday my mom and i went to taco time for dinner. she had heard from my sister taco time now has a few gluten free items on the menu. my mom was eager to check them out. i of course stuck to my favorite crisp bean burrito dipped in their 30 sent ranch sauce. really taco time, i have to pay for your dipping sauce? as we were walking out we heard the cashier tell a man "sir, we noticed you have been in here before and there is a 30 minute limit in our eating area. we are going to need you to leave after that." UGH. it killed me. this poor homeless old man{who had a few bags with him tucked in a corner seat where he wouldn't take up space}, who was a paying customer even if he could only spend 99 cents needed somewhere to stay for a bit. i was soooo annoyed with the workers. i almost went back in and said something. since when does a restaurant/fast food place have a 30min limit on how long someone can be in there? the place wasn't hopping, he wasn't taking up others space. if i was there for an hour, would someone have come and told me to leave? i wanted to ask them to show me where it is written they have a limit. poor man. i wish i was more brave.

breaks my heart.


Jenn said...

I have never heard of such a thing! that just ticks me off. I would have wanted to say something too but for the record, I don't think I would have been brave enough either.... so sad.

BTW. LOVED your wedding invite! FABulous :)

Olivia Carter said...

Oh that's SO SAD! I hate that sort of thing- it breaks my heart too.

AND I also fell in LOVE with your invite! I need you to help me when we have another baby make cute announcements- those were just SO CUTE!

kaitlin said...
