29 December 2010

|| Best.Gift.Ever. ||

well lookey who surprised me by flying in from switzerland four days before christmas! you may recall on my first post of this new blog the sharing of some items i wanted and recommended as gifts this christmas...jachen made the list but WHO KNEW i would actually get him for christmas. eek! actually, i will tell you who knew...my father who instigated the surprise and jachen(and my brother). they were in cahoots at the beginning of november and managed to keep it a secret to all else. i have been known to say that jachen can't keep a secret/surprise to save his life...he proved me wrong. my dad, secretly, picked him up from the airport wednesday evening and walked in the house with him following behind. all i could do was sit there in shock while my mom cried and sister so excited. shocked i was. a dream come true and was every second of him being here. tomorrow morning, wednesday, a week later after his arrival he will return back to switzerland where he will wait to fly back to me in april to marry me. this was a christmas of some firsts as well, it is always fun to experience 'firsts' together. many other great and fun times not pictured. i wish i could have captured them all.

here we are headed to jachen's first christmas eve celebration with my dads side of the family. notice the present tucked in between us...that was a Scentsy i brought for the gift exchange.

jachen's first american christmas eve meal...which basically looks like a jumbled mess on his plate.

our first christmas morning together...he played santa being the gift passer outer. he was a pro.

jachen's first (and my families first) christmas dinner feliz navidad style

our first mustaching and his first photo of looking older than he is instead of the usual looking way younger than he is.

bowling. so fun. our first bowling together...which also coincides with the first time i bowled two whole games and didn't get bored. i usually can't play one game without getting bored. (we went with my family, what fun...more on that later)

my sister steph and husband rob gave jachen a gift card to P.F Changs a new restaurant for him. look at him eating that yummy lettuce wrap in one of his sweaters he opened christmas morning.

we love firsts


Taylor said...

I wish I had words that explained how fast bowling gets boring. I'm seriously impressed that you made it through two games. I'm usually bowling backwards or upside down by the end of the first game.

Savanna said...

I want to see the video of when you actually got surprised! Julene said it was fantastically sweet and touching! Love it, I wish I had a boy for Christmas...lucky you! HAHA!

Natalie said...

I dint know Jachen ate with the red plate for cmas eve dinner. how funny, was that planned? Well, I hope he had a great Farrar Christmas...even though it was a little different than it usually is.

joslin said...

oh this is just cute. i like you two!